Lyrics - Is It OK?

I have had a few people ask me for the lyrics for the songs on the album - so I’ll post them one by one over the next couple of weeks. Let me know your thoughts and which parts of the different songs speak to you.

I’ll start with “Is It OK?” - a deeply painful and personal song for me, about dreams and gifts and what they’re for and what responsibility I have. I wrote this song over a long period of time, which is quite unusual for me; usually songs come quickly. But this one was a long process, and I think it has a depth that is more evident than in my other work:

So much tension in the air some days,
So many avenues that I could walk down to bring around some change,
So I look myself right in the back of the black of the darkness of my eye,
And question myself to find what lies beneath the most telling of my smiles.

Is it OK to retain such a precious amount of gold and hold it in your hands for so long without letting go?
Is it OK to resist its light?
Does it make it beautiful?

Oh I struggle to live out my numbered days with a cause,
So many questions getting thrown up in the face of everything I thought I had been taught,
So many weeks and oh through the months and on and on I slowly persevere with my song,
Without and ounce of certainty that I'm the one to whom it truly should belong,

Is it OK to be scared of the very thing that makes your fragile little heart expand and leap and start to sing?
Is it OK to resist its light?
Does it make it beautiful?

Because you are more than I could ever be,
Your allure and attraction are a source of danger and struggle to me,
You are always out reach, just beyond my touch, you're a little out of sight,
You're a turmoil, a weight, a taunt always bringing darkness over light,
Oh the temptation that you bring, the silver web you slowly spin,
You grab a hold of me and you slowly squeeze until I can hardly breathe,
And you're all I see.

Is it OK to covet you? To want you more than I thought any human heart could ever want.
Is it OK to dream of you? To add the colour to our scenes and the sights and the smells and all the beautiful things that we would see.
Is it OK to believe in you, to believe in you?
Does it make you real?
