Lyrics - Brave

These lyrics were inspired by the Native American story, during our journey across the USA:


You are young, your fear finds my eyes,
I can taste it,
You have come, your gun in your belt,
And I pity.
Oh the sorrow you cause with your loud cracks, your laughing, your drinking,
This land has a soul that you spit on and steal from, not thinking.

You came to create, but you take and you take and you take,
Singing songs to your greatness,

But I am the free, I am am the brave,
My home, my home is here
I am the free, I am the brave,
See my soul, my soul is brave.

It is dark, you move like a drum,
I can hear you.
Closer now, your gun in your hand,
And you tremble.
Where’s the still of the warrior, the centre, the fire, the peace?
Your claim to this place has no spirit, no heart I can see,

You came to create, but you take and you take and you take,
Singing songs to your greatness,

But I am the free, I am am the brave,
My home, my home is here
I am the free, I am the brave,
See my soul, my soul is brave.

And i know you’ll win, I know you’ll take it,
I’m not naive enough to think that your bullets won’t have their desired effect,
But not all winners are winners, not all conquerors will gain the peace they crave,
It’s not brave, it’s a cowardly thing to not let me in,
To not feast with our wisdom and leap with the prisms that years have shaped,
This earth has baked,
You need to lose to see that

I am the free, I am am the brave,
My home, my home is here
I am the free, I am the brave,
See my soul, my soul is brave

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