Live in Hong Kong

This week I’ll be recording my EP live. Doing a live recording is pressure! In some ways, it is easier; you have the energy of the crowd to play off, it is quicker, there are no long, long evenings in the studio trying to figure out if you got the take you wanted... But on the other hand the pressure is on to get that perfect sound, to pull it off in one go and capture all that you desired those songs to emulate.

Doing it live means getting it perfect. And it has shown me that even though I know I sing and play well, I am not good at getting it perfect. My voice cracks here and there. I sometimes hit a wrong note on the keys. I forget my own lyrics.

I know that perfection is an unattainable goal to have. But doing this live recording is pushing me to get as close to that as I possibly can. My tendency in life has always been to just do enough, and figure it out later. But I am learning that hard work, practising that song for the 200th time, and keeping on doing those scales, are what will enable me to create the music that I am truly happy with.

Practice, as they say, makes perfect. Lets see what comes out on the 23rd!

20150320 Live in Hong Kong